• info@roemichsschools.com
  • +234 816 507 2286

Boarding at Roemichs.

Roemichs offers full boarding with modern a boarding hostel for girls and a similar hostel for boys. Each boarding house has dormitories with bunk bed arrangements and are fully air conditioned. Each hostel aims to provide a home away from home experience in a calm and secure setting.
Each hostel is supervised by two house parents and a resident qualified nurse is also available. In addition the Principal, School administration manager and Guidance counsellor are all residents of the school compound.
The students are very comfortable in their boarding houses and the house parents provide care, support, warmth and love for each child. Each boarding house has a set of rules and guidance based on trust for all boarders to follow and sanctions for breaking this trust are in place. These are taken seriously as no-one wants to let the house down.

There is a Stop Shop on the school compound. Any snacks or drinks that the boarders purchase are kept secure in the care of the house parents for consuming in the hostels by the students. Any snacks brought in the stop shop are paid for by each student’s individual cheques which teaches them to be aware of money management. 
Students are expected to do their own laundry with the younger boarders being assisted by the house parents. As a school we believe this is an important life skill for them to learn. There is a vibrant programme for boarding students. Every student is able to participate in weekend sporting activities and there are regular movie nights and such like activities for them to attend. 

Students are growing and as a result need nutritious food. The role of the kitchen and canteen is very important in this respect. The catering staff does an excellent job of providing healthy meals presented attractively. The menu is carefully planned and students do have an input into the menu through the Food Prefect.
The school is manned 24/7 by nurses and the school has close links with an efficient local hospital. Parents are contacted immediately a medical situation arises and if a parent prefers to take the child home for treatment (within reason) this is permitted.
The souls and spirits of our boarding students are also catered for. On Sundays the resident School Chaplain comes into celebrate chapel the school Imam comes in on Fridays and Sundays. On Fridays and Sundays our Muslim boarders also receive Islamiyah classes. An ecumenical service is held twice termly on the first and last Sundays of each term. Every student is expected to attend a worship service. 
There a Visiting Day on the last Saturday of every month for parents to spend the day with their wards. Aside from this all students are expected to speak, privately, to their parents every weekend using the hostel mobiles. Students are not allowed to keep personal mobile phones.

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